Saving 9

Social Development Fellowship

Through our social development fellowship, we help individuals unleash their
talent and skills

Creating Perennial Impact

Our fellowship programs equip extraordinary individuals with the knowledge, support system and practical wisdom to drive positive change in society.

We enable our fellows to channel their inner strength into becoming leaders and creating a lasting social impact.

Building Careers & Communities

“Saving 9 is where I found my calling in working directly with underprivileged communities. I got to take a leadership role on a Harvard-funded project, got strong mentorship support & helped to set up an ambulance system in rural Islamabad. This rich experience led me to get a full scholarship to one of the top universities in the world.”

– Abdullah Bin Abbas

Learn The Basics

Our fellowship program introduces the youth to the harsh realities of the rural and peri-urban communities in need.

The development fellowship program is intended for university and high school students. It consists of coursework and practical projects that happen in parallel.

How to Join

The fellowship application is highly prestigious and selective in its process.

Once applied, the fellow will go through an interview and rigorous training in the theory and practicalities of creating social impact projects